Do I Need To Earn Your Trust or Earn Your Distrust?


I get asked many questions about leadership and team players. So, with that in mind, here are six points every leader, manager, director or team player should know


Convert problems to ideas

1. Leaders are defined as someone you or I would want to follow. Appointed managers and many times owners can be people that we must follow. But with that said, owners and managers can and should be leaders. Titles are earned and not granted.

2. Being a role model is critical for the success of your team. Employees will watch and listen for the direction they “think” you want them to go.

3. Excellent communication is critical. Unless your team is filled with prophets that can read your mind, you MUST communicate. Secrecy and massive amounts of behind door meetings breed contempt and distrust of leaders.

4. Distrust of your team members is an ingredient that will destroy your organization. Those of you who have been long time readers of mine should remember me writing on several occasions about me asking the following questions of business owners and/or managers before I accept an engagement:
“Based on your management style and the environmental culture of this organization, which statement is most true?”

You must earn my trust?
You must earn my distrust?

It doesn’t take a Rhodes scholar to ascertain why I ask that question. Those of you who distrust everything and everybody…..your bad.

5. Don’t try to fit a round peg into a square hole. Have respect for your team members. Just because YOU think a team member would be a good fit into a role or job, doesn’t necessarily mean the team member who must perform in that role would agree with you. If a team member isn’t openly willing to accept a new role or spot on the team, then it probably is not going to work. Instead it becomes a path of destruction and a destination of failure.

6. And finally, work has got to be enjoyable….it’s got to be fun. I’ve said it many times, but here it is again…. Work is a place that employees should want to go. This needs to be the last “job” or career they will ever look for or consider. A place where those at the top respect their employees, their employees’ families, family time and activities and where praise of good work and success flow as freely as sunshine from the sky.

P.S. Happy Thanksgiving


George F. Mancuso, CPC, CEO
Client Growth Consultants, Inc.